
1.1 推荐

分类: 电影 印度 2019

主演: Anil Charanjeett Jha Laghate Neeraj Pankaj Singh Sood Tanuka Venus 伊西塔·杜塔 帕文·马特拉 施瑞亚斯·塔尔帕德 索娜尔·赛贾尔 维贾伊·拉齐 贾米勒汗 阿弗塔布·施夫达撒尼 马努·里希·查达

导演: Ashwini Chaudhary


A thriller set in Benares, Jaipur, Mumbai and Delhi, Setters is about a racket profiteering from academic scams. The film follows a cat-and-mouse game between two good friends: one a cop, and the other a "setter" who arranges brilliant students in place of weak students to appear in examinations.
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