
7.9 推荐

分类: 电影 英国 美国 德国 2001

主演: NicoleWhippy 比安卡罗 汤姆·沃德 罗伯特·哈迪 鲍勃·霍斯金斯

导演: 斯图尔特·奥玛


改编自柯南道尔名著的电视电影The Lost World,星光熠熠,动作连场。 在世纪交接之时,著名学者车伦卓教授领导一个科学考察团,离开烟雾弥漫的伦敦,远赴南美雨林寻找传说之地-那里时光停顿,恐龙仍遍布大地。 同行的有车伦卓教授的学术界劲敌萨马里教授,英勇拼劲的著名猎人罗斯顿勋爵,年轻记者爱德华马龙。在亚马逊森林,定居在当地的菲奥牧师租他的侄女雅丽思也加入成为一员。 他们将会展开惊险万分的冒险历程。在失落的世界挣扎求存,他们经一事,长一智,也改变了他们的人生。 Bob Hoskins leads an all-star cast in this action-packed tv movie adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's classic adventure story. At the turn of the century, an expedition under the leadership of a maverick academic, Professor Challenger, leaves smog-choked London for the rainforests of South America in search of a mythical land-where it is said that time has stood still and where dinosaurs still roam. Accompanying Professor Challenger are a rival academic Professor Summerlee, the famed and dashing hunter, Lord Roxton, and a young reporter, Edward Malone, they are joined in the amazonian jungle by a settler, Theo, and his niece, Agnes. Together, they are about to embark on a terrifying adventure. What they will learn in their struggle to survive the lost world will leave them wiser but forever changed.
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